Διαλέξεις μετά από πρόσκληση σε Διεθνή Συνέδρια
38. Charmandari E. The effect of exposure and sensitivity to Glucocorticoids. Invited lecture at the 5th 360 European meeting on Growth and Endocrine Disorders, Budapest, Hungary (February 28-29, 2020).
37. Charmandari E. Novel e-health applications for the management of childhood obesity. Invited lecture at the 3rd Congress of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Diagnosis and Therapy, Athens, Greece (January 10-12, 2020).
36. Charmandari E. Optimizing treatment in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Madrid, Spain (October 18, 2019).
35. Charmandari E. Adrenals – Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the 58th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Vienna, Austria (September 19 – 21, 2019).
34. Charmandari E. (2018) Adrenals – Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the 57th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Athens, Greece (September 27 – 29, 2018).
33. Charmandari E. (2018) Advances in the management of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the 17th International Postgraduate Course in Endocrine Surgery, Athens, Greece (May 31 – June 2, 2018).
32. Charmandari E. Development of a National e-Health System for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the 3rd International Conference in Biomedical and Health Informatics (ICBHI), Thessaloniki, Greece (November 18-21, 2017).
31. Charmandari E. The Adolescent with Difficult Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Pfizer Endocrinology First Global Summit 2017, Athens, Greece (October 25-27, 2017).
30. Charmandari E. Familial Hyperaldosteronism. Invited lecture at the 56th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Washington DC, USA (September 14-17, 2017).
29. Charmandari E. Adrenals – Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the 56th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Washington DC, USA (September 14-17, 2017).
28. Charmandari E. Development of a National System for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the ‘1st Hellenic Chinese Congress on Health’, Athens, Greece (May 14-17, 2017).
27. Charmandari E. Managing Cushing’s syndrome in children. Invited lecture at the IPOKRATES Seminar, Athens, Greece (March 6-8, 2017).
26. Charmandari E. Development of a National e-Health System for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the ‘2nd Congress of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Diagnosis and Therapy’ Meeting, Athens, Greece (November 4-6, 2016).
25. Charmandari E. National System for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the ‘26th European Childhood Obesity Group (ECOG) Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece (October 6-8, 2016).
24. Charmandari E. Adrenals – Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the 55th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology
Meeting, Paris, France (September 10-12, 2016).
23. Charmandari E. Molecular Mechanisms of Glucocorticoid Action – Syndromes of Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance and Hypersensitivity. Invited Lecture at the ‘Hot Topics in Pediatric Endocrinology’ Meeting, Stocholm, Sweeden (May 12, 2016).
22. Charmandari E. Adrenals – Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the 54th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Barcelona, Spain (October 1-3, 2015).
21. Charmandari E. Clinical Research. Invited lecture at the ESPE Science School Meeting, Annecy, France (June 3-6, 2015).
20. Charmandari E. Rare causes of adrenal failure. Invited lecture at the IPOKRATES Seminar, Athens, Greece (April 20-22, 2015).
19. Charmandari E. Circadian endocrine rhythms: The HPA axis and its actions. Invited lecture at the International Congress on Stress, Chronic Inflammation and Nutrition, Venice, Italy (October 17-18, 2014).
18. Charmandari E. Adrenals – Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the 53rd European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Dublin, Ireland (September 18-20, 2014).
17. Charmandari E. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited (Symposium) lecture at the 53rd European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Dublin, Ireland (September 18-20, 2014).
16. Charmandari E. Adrenal Insufficiency. Invited lecture at the ESPE Summer School of the 53rd European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Dublin, Ireland (September 14-17, 2014).
15. Charmandari E. Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology – Adrenals. Invited lecture at the 9th Joint Meeting of Pediatric Endocrinology, Milan, Italy (September 19-22, 2012).
14. Charmandari E. Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology – Adrenals. Invited lecture at the 51st European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (September 20-23, 2012).
13. Charmandari E. 2012 Working Party on ‘Disorders of Sex Development’ (DSD): Evaluation report. Invited lecture at the joint 51st European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (September 20-23, 2012).
12. Charmandari E. Primary Generalized Glucocorticoid Resistance and Hypersensitivity States. Invited lecture at the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) Science School (ESS), Hraklio, Crete, Greece (May 16-20, 2012).
11. Charmandari E. Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology – Adrenals. Invited lecture at the 50th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom (September 25-28, 2011).
10. Charmandari E. Precocious Puberty. Invited lecture at the joint Greak-UK Pediatric Meeting, Athens, Greece (May 27-28 , 2011).
9. Charmandari E. Recent advances in steroid receptor research. Invited lecture at the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) Science School, Berlin, Germany (May 24-26, 2011).
8. Charmandari E. Generalized glucocorticoid resistance and hypersensitivity states. Invited lecture at the 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, Heraklion, Crete, Greece (April 13-16, 2011).
7. Charmandari E. Generalized glucocorticoid resistance syndrome. Invited lecture at the Mastercourse in Peadiatric Endocrinology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (October 12, 2010).
6. Charmandari E. Yearbook of Pediatric Endocrinology – Adrenals. Invited lecture at the 49th European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic. (September 2010).
5. Charmandari E. Glucocorticoid resistance. Invited lecture at the 12th European Meeting of the International Society for Adolescent Health, Athens, Greece.
4. Charmandari E. Generalized glucocorticoid resistance: Clinical phenotype and molecular mechanisms. Invited lecture at the Cortisol Secretion Abnormalities-I Meeting [25 years studying stress mediators: A symposium honouring George P. Chrousos], Bethesda, Maryland, USA.
3. Charmandari E. (2005) Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia and the metabolic syndrome. Invited lecture at the 39th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, Athens, Greece.
2. Charmandari E. Endocrinologic and psychologic evaluation of 21-hydroxylase deficient carriers and normal subjects: Evidence for physical and psychologic vulnerability to stress. Invited lecture at the 5th International Congress of Neuropsychiatry, Athens, Greece.
1. Charmandari E. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia and puberty. Invited lecture at 3rd Ferring Pharmaceuticals International Paediatric Endocrinology Symposium, Barcelona, Spain.
Διαλέξεις μετά από πρόσκληση σε Ελληνικά Συνέδρια
94. Charmandari E. The use of liraglutide in the management of obesity and diabetes mellitus type 2 in childhood and adolescence. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Hellenic College of Pediatrics, Athens, Greece (February 14-15, 2020).
93. Charmandari E. Concensus guidelines for the management of Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Invited lecture at the 4th Symposium of the Hellenic Society of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity, Athens, Greece (October 11-12, 2019).
92. Charmandari E. Introduction to the Methodology of Research. Invited lecture at the Seminar on the ‘Introduction on the Methodology of Research and Statistical Analysis’, Athens, Greece (June 7-8, 2019).
91. Charmandari E. The use of novel e-health applications for the management of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Athens, Greece (May 10-12, 2019).
90. Charmandari E. Ambiguous genitalia. Invited lecture at the 15th Annual Pediatric Meeting ‘Earinai Pediatrikai Hmerai’, Spetes, Greece (April 18-21, 2019).
89. Charmandari E. Gender dysphoria. Invited lecture at the 7th Annual Meeting of Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrics, Athens, Greece (October 6-7, 2018).
88. Charmandari E. Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Symposium of Clinical Genetics and Genomics, Athens, Greece (June 1-2, 2018).
87. Charmandari E. Recent advances in Pediatrics. Invited lecture at the 44th Panhellenic Meeting of Αthens Medical Society, Athens, Greece (May 9-12, 2018).
86. Charmandari E. Gender idendity – Endocrinologic approach. Invited lecture at the 11th State of the Art Adolescent Medicine Course, Athens, Greece (April 20-21, 2018).
85. Charmandari E. Gender dysphoria. Invited lecture at the 51st Annual Meeting of the First Department of Pediatrics, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece (April 14-15, 2018).
84. Charmandari E. Precocious Puberty. Invited lecture at the 14th Annual Pediatric Meeting ‘Earinai Pediatrikai Hmerai’, Spetes, Greece (March 30 April 1, 2018).
83. Charmandari E. Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia in adolescence. Invited lecture at the 18th Meeting on the Female Endocrinology,
Athens, Greece (December 16, 2017).
82. Charmandari E. Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: Novel therapeutic approaches. Invited lecture at the 2nd Panhellenic Symposium of the Hellenic Society of Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence, Athens, Greece (November 10-11, 2017).
81. Charmandari E. Lose Weight – Gain Life: Development of a National System for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the ‘29th Pagkritio Pediatric Congress, Heraklio, Greece (October 21-22, 2017).
80. Charmandari E. Physiology of menstruation. Invited lecture at the 5th Panhellenic Meeting of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, Athens, Greece (October 6-8, 2017).
79. Charmandari E. Introduction to the Methodology of Research. Invited lecture at the Seminar on the ‘Introduction on the Methodology of Research and Statistical Analysis’, Athens, Greece (June 10-11, 2017).
78. Charmandari E. Epigenetics and Adrenals. Invited lecture at the 44th Hellenic Endocrine Society Meeting, Athens, Greece (April 26-29, 2017).
77. Charmandari E. Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia: New therapeutic modalities. Invited lecture at the 13th Annual Pediatric Meeting ‘Earinai Pediatrikai Hmerai’, Tinos, Greece (April 7-9, 2017).
76. Charmandari E. Obesity in childhood and adolescence: Recent clinical and research data from the out-patient clinic on the prevention and management of increased body-weight. Invited lecture at the ‘4th Meeting of Applied Diatetics and Nutrition’, Athens, Greece (March 17-18, 2017).
75. Charmandari E. Non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents. Invited lecture at the ‘10th Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Medical Society for Obesity, Athens, Greece (March 3-4, 2017).
74. Charmandari E. Development of a National System of Electronic Documentation and Guidance for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the ‘26th Medical Symposium of 251 General Airforce Hospital’, Athens, Greece (February 20, 2017).
73. Charmandari E. eHealth: Development of an Electronic National System for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the 2nd Panhellenic Congress of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, Athens, Greece (February 18-19, 2017).
72. Charmandari E. National Registry for the Prevention and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. Invited lecture at the DYO Forum Meeting, Athens, Greece (February 11-12, 2017).
71. Charmandari E. Monogenic disorders of childhood obesity. Invited lecture at the ‘5th Panhellenic Congress of Adolescent Health and Medicine’, Athens, Greece (February 3-4, 2017).
70. Charmandari E. Molecular mechanisms of glucocorticoid action – Syndromes of generalized glucocorticoid resistance and hypersensitivity. Invited lecture at the ‘1st Panhellenic Congress of the Institute of Biology and Medicine of Stress’, Athens, Greece (January 20-22, 2017).
69. Charmandari E. Prevention and Management of Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. Invited lecture at the ‘4th Congress of Medical Responsibility and Bioethics’, Athens, Greece (December 9-10, 2016).
68. Charmandari E. Lose Weight – Gain Life’: Development of a National System of Electronic Documentation and Guidance for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the ‘7th Panhellenic Congress of Atherosclerosis’, Athens, Greece (December 1-3, 2016).
67. Charmandari E. Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the 42nd Annual Meeting of Αthens Medical Society, Athens, Greece (May 11-14, 2016).
66. Charmandari E. Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity: Development of a National System of Electronic Documentation and Guidance for the Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity. Invited lecture at the 12th Annual Pediatric Meeting ‘Earinai Pediatrikai Hmerai’, Corfu, Greece (April 21-33, 2016).
65. Charmandari E. Prevention and management of obesity in childhood and adolescence: Development of a National System of electronic documentation and therapeutic guidance. Invited lecture at the 11th Panhellenic Meeting of Public Health, Athens, Greece (March 21-23, 2016).
64. Charmandari E. Molecular mechanisms determining tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids. Invited lecture at the 19th Postgraduate Course on ‘Neuroendocrinology and Adrenals’ of the Hellenic Endocrine Society, Athens, Greece (March 18-20, 2016).
63. Charmandari E. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Hellenic Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting, Athens, Greece (February 27-28, 2016).
62. Charmandari E. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Transition to adulthood. Invited lecture at the Hellenic Pediatric Endocrinology Meeting on Gonadal Disorders, Athens, Greece (December 12, 2015).
61. Charmandari E. Development of a National System for the prevention and management of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence in Greece. Invited lecture at the eHealth Forum 2015, Athens, Greece (December 3-4, 2015).
60. Charmandari E. Prevention and management of childhood obesity: Development of a National System of electronic documentation and therapeutic guidance. Invited lecture at the 13th Panhellenic Meeting of Nutrition and Dietetics, Athens, Greece (November 27-29, 2015).
59. Charmandari E. Development of a national system for the prevention and management of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence. Invited lecture at the Meeting for presenting the report on the completion of the ESPA program, Athens, Greece (November 14-15, 2015).
58. Charmandari E. Growth Hormone insufficiency and treatment in survivors of childhood malignancy. Invited lecture at the 41st Panhellenic Medical Society Meeting, Athens, Greece (June 10-13, 2015).
57. Charmandari E. Development of a national system for documentation and therapeutic management of childhood obesity. Invited lecture at the 41st Panhellenic Medical Society Meeting, Athens, Greece (June 10-13, 2015).
56. Charmandari E. Prevention and management of childhood obesity in our country: Development of a national system for documentation
and therapeutic management. Invited lecture at the Novonordisk Meeting, Athens, Greece (April 24-25, 2015).
55. Charmandari E. Early puberty: Is treatment with GnRH analogues necessary? Invited lecture at the 48th Annual Treatment Update of the First Department of Pediatrics, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece (April 17-19, 2015).
54. Charmandari E. (2015) Development of a novel national system for the prevention and management of childhood obesity. Invited lecture at the 8th State of the Art Adolescent Medicine Course, Athens, Greece (March 13-14, 2015).
53. Charmandari E. Assessment of the effectiveness of interventions of diet and exercise in overweight and obese children and adolescents. Invited lecture at the 9th Meeting of the Hellenic College of Pediatrics, Athens, Greece (March 13-14, 2015).
52. Charmandari E. The year in Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the Annual Endorama Meeting, Patras, Greece (January 30-31, 2015).
51. Charmandari E. Development of a national system for the prevention and management of obesity in childhood and adolescence. Invited lecture at the 1st Panhellenic Congress on Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, Athens, Greece (October 10-12, 2014).
50. Charmandari E. Obesity in childhood and adolescence. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Ministry of Health, Athens, Greece (June 30, 2014).
49. Charmandari E. Recent advances in the molecular mechanisms determining tissue sensitivity to glucocorticoids. Invited lecture at the 41st Hellenic Endocrine Society Meeting, Porto Cheli, Greece (May 14-17, 2014).
48. Charmandari E. Prevention and management of obesity in childhood and adolescence. Invited lecture at the Nestle Pediatric Meeting, Costa Navarino, Greece (May 3, 2014).
47. Charmandari E. Obesity in childhood and adolescence. Invited lecture at the 10th Annual Pediatric Meeting ‘Earinai Pediatrikai Hmerai’, Nafplio, Greece (April 10-13, 2014).
46. Charmandari E. Greek reality in childhood obesity and current preventive strategies. Invited lecture at the European Scientific Meeting on Maternal and Infant Nutrition, Athens, Greece (April 5, 2014).
45. Charmandari E. Development of a national system for the prevention and management of obesity in childhood and adolescence. Invited lecture at the 7th State of The Art Adolescent Medicine Course, Athens, Greece (April 4-7, 2014).
44. Charmandari E. Childhood obesity. Invited lecture at the 10th Panhellenic Congress of Public Health, Athens, Greece (March 31-April 2, 2014).
43. Charmandari E. Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the 17th Postgraduate Course on ‘Neuroendocrinology and Adrenals’ of the Hellenic Endocrine Society, Athens, Greece (March 29, 2014).
42. Charmandari E. Newborns with ambiguous genitalia: Diagnosis and management. Invited lecture at the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic College of Pediatrics, Athens, Greece (March 21-22, 2014).
41. Charmandari E. Glucocorticoid receptor. Invited lecture at the Novonordisk Meeting, Athens, Greece (March 7-8, 2014).
40. Charmandari E. The use of liraglutide in obesity. Invited lecture at the Novonordisk Meeting, Athens, Greece (March 7-8, 2014).
39. Charmandari E. Development of a National System for the prevention and management of overweight and obesity in childhood and adolescence in Greece. Invited lecture at the 12th Panhellenic Meeting of Nutrition and Dietetics, Athens, Greece (December 5-8, 2013).
38. Charmandari E. Newborns with ambiguous genitalia. Invited lecture at the 17th Panhellenic Congress of Perinatal Medicine, Athens, Greece (November 1-3, 2013).
37. Charmandari E. Precocius puberty. Invited lecture at the ‘Ef’Olis Tis Ylis’ Meeting, Athens, Greece (October 11-12, 2013).
36. Charmandari E. ESPA Program on the Prevention and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. Invited lecture at the Meeting on Health and Prevention in Greece, Athens, Greece (October 11-12, 2013).
35. Charmandari E. Debate: GnRH analogs in the treatment of early puberty – No. Invited lecture at the 1st Combo Endocrinology Course, Monastery ‘Evangelistria’, Viotia, Greece (September 11-14, 2013).
34. Charmandari E. Prevention and management of obesity. Invited lecture at the 46th Annual Treatment Update of the First Department of Pediatrics, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece (May 11-12, 2013).
33. Charmandari E. Therapeutic Developments – Adrenals. Invited lecure at the annual ‘Therapeutic Developments’ Meeting, Athens, Greece (April 27, 2013).
32. Charmandari E. ESPA Program on the Prevention and Management of Overweight and Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. Invited lecture at the 7th Meeting of the Hellenic College of Pediatrics, Athens, Greece (April 5-7, 2013).
31. Charmandari E. Genetic causes of Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. Invited lecture at the 8th Meeting of the Hellenic Medical Society of Obesity, Thessaloniki, Greece (March 15-16, 2013).
30. Charmandari E. Precocious Puberty. Invited lecture at the Conference of Adolescent Medicine, Athens, Greece (March 2-3, 2013).
29. Charmandari E. Genetics of Obesity. Invited lecture at the 16th Meeting of Intensive Training in Endocrinology and Metabolic Disorders, Athens, Greece (February 22-24, 2013).
28. Charmandari E. Neonatal Screeing for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Seminar on Genetics – ‘Aghia Sophia’ Children’s Hospital, Athens, Greece (February 16, 2013).
27. Charmandari E. The Greek experience on the use of mekasermine in the treatment of short stature. Invited lecture at the Hellenic Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Athens, Greece (February 9, 2013).
26. Charmandari E. Familial Hyperaldosteronism. Invited lecture at the Hellenic Society for Pediatric Endocrinology, Athens, Greece (February 9, 2013).
25. Charmandari E. Precocious and Delayed Puberty and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Hellenic Endocrine Society Course of Endocrinology Fellows, Athens, Greece (January 14-18, 2013).
24. Charmandari E. The Genetics of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. Invited lecture at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Aretaieion Hospital, Athens, Greece (January 8, 2013).
23. Charmandari E. Diagnosis and treatment of acute adrenal failure. Invited lecture at the 6th Meeting of the Hellenic College of Pediatrics, Athens, Greece (November 10-11, 2012).
22. Charmandari E. Obesity in Childhood and Adolescence. Invited lecture at the Meeting on Childhood Obesity’, Athens, Greece (October 24, 2012).
21. Charmandari E. Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Pediatrikes Hmeres – 3rd and 4th Pediatric Clinic, Thessaloniki, Greece (September 29-30, 2012).
20. Charmandari E. Metabolic Syndrome. Invited lecture at the 8th Annual Pediatric Meeting ‘Earinai Pediatrikai Hmerai’, Santorini, Greece (May 26-29, 2012).
19. Charmandari E. Glucocorticoids and their Therapeutic Uses. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of Pediatric Subspecialties, Athens, Greece (March 3-4, 2012).
18. Charmandari E. Precocious Puberty. Invited lecture at the 1st Meeting of Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Athens, Greece (March 3-4, 2012).
17. Charmandari E. Glucocorticoids and their Therapeutic Uses. Invited lecture at the Annual Pediatric Respiratory Meeting, Ioannina, Greece (September 8-10, 2011).
16. Charmandari E. The role of human glucocorticoid receptor in mediating glucocorticoid signal transduction. Invited lecture at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Medical Society, Athens, Greece (May 17-20, 2011).
15. Charmandari E. Genetic causes of obesity. Invited lecture at the 7th Annual Pediatric Meeting ‘Earinai Pediatrikai Hmerai’, Santorini, Greece (May 5-8, 2011).
14. Charmandari E. Case Presentations in Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the ‘Ef’Olis Tis Ylis’ Meeting, Athens, Greece (October 8-9, 2010).
13. Charmandari E. Precocious Puberty. Invited lecture at the ‘Ef’Olis Tis Ylis’ Meeting, Meeting, Athens, Greece (October 8-9, 2010).
12. Charmandari E. Exercise and the Adrenals. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece (September 17-18, 2010).
11. Charmandari E. Adrenocortical tumors. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the A’ Department of Pediatrics, University of Athens Medical School, Athens, Greece (April 2010).
10. Charmandari E. Precocious breast development in girls. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Hellenic College of Pediatrics, Athens, Greece (March 13-14, 2010).
9. Charmandari E. Precocious Puberty. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Endocrine Society, Pelion, Greece (November 21-22, 2009).
8. Charmandari E. Case Presentations in Clinical Pediatric Endocrinology. Invited lecture at the ‘Ef’Olis Tis Ylis’ Meeting, Athens, Greece (October 10-11, 2009).
7. Charmandari E. Macronodular and micronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Hellenic Endocrine Society Meeting on Adrenal Disorders, Athens, Greece (May 9, 2009).
6. Charmandari E. Genetic Forms of Obesity. Invited lecture at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Medical Society, Athens, Greece (May 5-9, 2009).
5. Charmandari E. Steroid Hormone Receptors. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Endocrine Society, Pelion, Greece (November 21-22, 2009).
4. Charmandari E. Glucocorticoids and their Uses. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, Athens, Greece.
3. Charmandari E. Cushing Syndrome. Invited lecture at the 34th Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Medical Society, Athens, Greece (May 20-24, 2009).
2. Charmandari E. Phytoestrogens and Child Health. Invited lecture at the 41st Annual Meeting of the First Department of Pediatrics of the University of Athens, Athens, Greece (April 2008).
1. Charmandari E. (2007) Classic Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. Invited lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Hellenic Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology, Athens, Greece.